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How Times Have Changed

I spent 6 days in New York as part of my son's high school drama trip. We maxed out the available time-Broadway, museums, shopping,...

Another Juicy Note!!

Polling in the last 24 hours indicates the race is tightening as the Biden bounce could be real. Here is the updated delegate account...

Quick Note...

I mentioned in note #1 that while Biden's support was growing in the 2 prize states (CA & TX), polls indicated Sanders was benefiting...


Super Tuesday is underway in all 16 states and territories. Here is my "what to look for" list: 1. Is the "Biden Bounce" real? Or have...

And Then There Were Two?

Where does the Democratic nomination coming off Biden's resounding South Carolina win? The former vice-president earned serious...

Is it Over????

As promised, here is a table summarizing where the Sanders pole position post Super Tuesday. for this project, I simply multiplied the...

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