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And Then There Were Two?


Where does the Democratic nomination coming off Biden's resounding South Carolina win? The former vice-president earned serious breathing room but for how long? And how does this shake-up Super Tuesday?

Let us take a look.

This table projects the post Super Tuesday delegate count for what most consider to be the three viable candidates.

So Sanders builds a healthy delegate count with 415 but the gap between he and Biden (322) remains narrow. Meanwhile, Bloomberg remains viable based on his bankroll but I digress.

Granted, we did this last week for Sanders but it really helps to see what the horse race could look like after the biggest primary day of the cycle.

A few notes:

1. Sanders hitting the 400+ mark should give everyone pause but several more conservative states (see Florida) are waiting in the wings.

2. We need to factor in the Mayor Pete departure impact. It would seem to help Biden as would Steyer's exit for no other reason than one less Biden billionaire critic clogging up the airwaves.

3. Might the Sanders team reach out to Warren with a "drop-out" deal? Not sure what they would offer but what happens when Bernie carries her home state tomorrow?

4. Is it too early to throw out "contested convention" warnings? Me thinks not so much.

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