I previously wrote a series examining how the major sports leagues and college football were handling the COVID pandemic. Major league baseball (MLB) was particularly hard hit as its season was set to open just as America shut down. Well, baseball is finally back after weeks of contentious negotiations threatened the season. Instead, MLB becomes the second league after the NBA to move forward with an agreement between ownership and players on a 60 game season.
I remember when MLB decided to open up their season again after COVID. Even though it was a shorter season and a lot of precautions were put in place. I felt that it helped our country move forward from quarantine. COVID hasn't been the only event that has affect our country and it's people. 9/11 stopped the coutry in it's track, but with the help of sports our country grew stronger and continued to heal from the event.
I wouldn't change what the MLB did to continue their seasons. I believe all sports play a big role in how our country runs it's daily tasks. I know sports play a huge role in my life and my family's. Sports bring…
I think opening MLB and the NBA up for play again was a great decision. They both were like all sports hit hard by Covid and it is time for us to get our lives back to normal as best we can and still be safe and protected. The MLB took precautions when opening back up to protect the fans and the players and the gradual way in which they slowly opened back up was smart in my opinion. Not only did our fans and the players want to have baseball back in the stadiums our economy needed the sports world to start back again for revenue and our enjoyment both. This was something I prayed about a lot w…
Looking back, I remember the moment that the NBA shut down. I remember how everyone was confused and frightened by what was happening. After all, if something as big as the NBA and MLB was shutting down, what did our futures look like? It is good to see that sports have begun to rebound, pun intended, after so much time in an attendance slump.
Many people have criticisms about sports being active at this time, but I think people forget that baseball is these people livlihood. With Covid hitting so close to the season opening many people out side the field, are taking a hard hit. The baseball players and the coaches, will probably be ok, but there are vendors, and grounds keepers, and security, and many other professions that go into making the game happen that was impacted. I'm glad the leaders found a compromise to be a safe as possible while keeping as many jobs as posible.
As I am a big fan of baseball I think this is great decision for baseball fans around the world. Having one of the greatest sports to come back is one of the normal things to be back since COVID-19 started. While the MLB is Slowly easing back into things to make our lives normal again. I believe this is great decision especially with all the precautions that the MLB is taking to ensure a safe season for the players and the fans at home watching.