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Breaking News!!!

Senator Bernie Sanders has officially dropped out of the Democratic Presidential race effectively clearing the path for former Vice President Joe Biden to challenge President Trump in November. This presumes some crazy, unprecedented event occurs.

The world was a different place when Sanders held the Democratic primary pole position. So much has happened so fast and much of that falls outside of politics obviously. Still, this opens the door for our expanded coverage of the general election.

More to come as we will break down the race for the White House!

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Apr 24, 2020

When I heard the new of Bernie Sanders dropping out of the elections, I was not at all surprised. I knew the fanbase that Biden obtains from being the Vice President would end up to be the winner of the Democratic Primaries. I do believe Bernie was tired and a little stressed, like everyone, about catching the virus. Therefore, he did not want to chance anything.

- Elizabeth Brannon


Apr 14, 2020

I think this was a good move on his part. He was going to split the vote anyways, especially among millenials.


Apr 13, 2020

I am somewhat surprised that Bernie is dropping out. While Biden likely appeals to more people because of his more middle-of-the-road views, Bernie's supporters were loud and proud of their candidate. Maybe because they were louder with their support, even though there were fewer of them, it seemed that Bernie had greater traction.


Apr 13, 2020

I can clearly see how the virus certainly helped push his decision to have to drop out of the race. While already trailing Biden in terms of delegates and Sanders needing a surge, he lost any hopes of gaining a momentum with shelter-in-place orders. Without being able to debate, convene, and rally, Sanders was left with no other option. Looking forward to seeing Biden and Trump one on one.


Apr 13, 2020

Even though he dropped out, I do believe that Bernie Sanders' ideas will continue to be the centre of attention for the Democrats moving to into the convention and the general election. Ever since Bernie announced his campaign for the 2016 presidential election, the Democratic Party has been moving dramatically to the far left, and it will more than likely continue to do so even though it looks like Bernie's political career is drawing to a close. Although, I do not think Joe Biden will be the best person to champion these ideas as the Democrat's candidate. Biden is known as a moderate establishment Democrat who has had to adopt many of Bernie's positions just to stay relevant in …

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