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Debate #1


The first Presidential Debate happen tonight at 8:00 CST on Fox News. Chris Wallace will moderate the 90 minute, commercial-free telecast. Wallace also chose the debate topics:

  1. Political records of each candidate

  2. Supreme Court

  3. Pandemic

  4. Race & Violence of Cities

  5. The economy

  6. Election integrity

If you watch the debate, please understand that such political events differ from academic debates including determine who "winds" the evening. We will discuss this more as the week progresses but sometimes the person making the most salient points can still lose ground based on demeanor. Vice President Biden is in better shape for victor status simply due to his lead in the polls. His goal is one of preservation. However, the President enjoys a great opportunity to highlight Biden's lack of public activity since the COVID shutdown. Voters have seen little of the Democratic nominee so major slip-ups similar to his primary performance could spell trouble.


10 Kommentare

08. Mai 2023

I can remember watching the presidential debates of 2020, and the one thing I came away from was that the United States was in a difficult situation. I feel as if the idea of a presidential debate has changed drastically over the years. With the introduction of social media platforms, it has never been quicker for information to get passed around to the public. I believe that many people (myself included), walked into this debate with a bias towards a candidate simply off of what the media had been saying about them. While I will admit that both candidates did not handle the debate as well as they could have, if misinformation surrounding both candidates was unknown to the p…

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11. Jan. 2021

This is Emma Shepherd,

When I viewed the presidential debate I was in complete and utter shock at both candidates. Going in I expected a much clearer explanation from both candidates from watching previous debates with my family, but as I would listen to each representatives responses, they continued to get worse and worse. The interruptions reminded me of watching toddlers argue and it was embarrassing to say the least. Both candidates portrayed themselves poorly, and this debate provided little to no clarity for the public on each candidate.

After the debate, the news and media went absolutely insane, which is to be expected. The amount of bias that was present in each news station, on the big social media…

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08. Okt. 2020

The debate was a disaster for both concerned. I do not know why the most esteemed debate in the country, at the highest political level, was nothing short of a high school debate team tournament, but I certainly expected much more from the United States of America Presidential candidates.

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05. Okt. 2020

this is Enoch Pyle,

Oh man how this debate was a catastrophic failure of what American politics should be. From start to finish this debate was a thrashing contest of jokes and one-upsmanship. While I tend to lean very republican I cannot say that there is a clear choice for who I want as the next leader of our country. It truly does scare me to think that these are our options for the next president.

On the topic of change I wish we had more than just two parties but I also wish our candidates did not have to be so extreme to get a vote. It seems perfectly clear that America's attention is only ever grabbed by a…

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05. Okt. 2020

So this event affects my life because as a twenty year old this president that gets elected will still be the president when I graduate and enter the real world. During the debate there were a couple of points in which either candidate did not answer the question posed by the moderator. These questions posed in my opinion, were some of the more vital ones that would help me inform who I will be voting for. For example, court packing, healthcare plans, breaking up filibusters, and other things of that such.

Faith informs my decision because I want a president that reflects my views but also one whos character reflects mine as well.

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