and a high one it was! The Senate finally passed the Stimulus Act. Of course, the race has just begun as the bill moves to the House. The lower chamber will most likely approve but changes are possible. This could require a conference committee to reconcile differences between the chambers. Of course, this is all a prelude to President Trump's signature.
And a quick programming note-I will have more to say about the stimulus package once President Trump signs it into law.
Praying that this helps! My brothers and I have been talking about it a lot. I think this could potentially be better for the economy than people think if the money is used in the right way. Americans are known for making their dream! We get creative. That is what hardship is about- pushing through and finding ways to make it work despite the damage it may have caused.
I believe that this stimulus package will help the country short-term, but the added $6 Trillion in debt it will produce will come back to hurt us in the long run. I definitely think its unnecessary to spend $6 Trillion when around $4 Trillion isn't even going to stop the spread of COVID-19, but instead going to different government agencies and special interest groups. Another thing I find interesting or even slightly amusing is how congress seems to only work together and at a fast pace when there is a national or world threat imminent. Personally, I believe they should strive to work at this pace even in "peacetime".
This stimulus package seems to be making its way quite quickly in the current situation. I am still uncertain how much of an impact this will have on the economy especially if the shelter in place continues for much longer. Perhaps you can do an opinion piece where you look at what long term policies the government could use if the economy continues to slow down. I digress, however, as I feel this is a prime example of how the bureaucratic process tends to operate more quickly in a crisis. Even party lines tend to blur when addressing the problem at hand which affects everybody. It is both a good and bad thing though causing pressure on those in office…