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May the 4th Be With You!!


Yep I am a Star Wars child! This is a good list although Rogue One is a bit low in my humble opinion while Force Awakens is a bit high.




I always found the Star Wars saga to be fascinating. George Lucas does an incredible job in his storytelling and aligning events to later or past movies. Personally, I enjoy finding references or being able to tie back the lore of a character with another. Another feature I found interesting about the Star Wars series is the abstract form of government that is in place and how the norms of one planet are acknowledged or despised regardless of how far across the galaxy it may be. One of my favorite characters will continue to be C-3PO because of the persona he expresses and his constant companionship.



I grew up watching Star Wars, it sparked my love for science fiction. The movies were extremely ahead of their time. I know that the most recent trilogy has sparked different opinions but I personally enjoyed them. I think Disney did a fair job with their additions. Nothing will ever compare to the originals though, they will always be one of a kind.



I first watched A New Hope back in 3rd grade, and I was utterly entranced with the idea of aliens and of space knights with glowing swords and princess generals with cinnamon roll hair. Every day we'd play Star Wars during recess and I'd want to be Han Solo or Luke or Leia. I'd play the Lego Star Wars saga on my Nintendo DS whenever I had the chance. I watched the originals or the prequels several times on the weekends, and when I heard about the sequels coming out (TFA) I was ecstatic. Reading about the life of Obi-Wan was a favorite pastime as well. I used to not like the prequels as much as the original trilogy, but…



In my humble opinion, The force awakens should be in the last 4 a long with rise of skywalker, attack of the clones, and the last jedi, not ranked third. My top three would be 1st: The Empire Strikes back, 2nd: Revenge of the Sith, and 3rd: Return of the Jedi. The original three will always remain the perfect and untouchable three. The prequels, although aren't as good as a collection compared to the original, hold all-star casting, immensely entertaining and canon story lines, and the contain Revenge of the Sith, which can be argued to deserve the number one spot in my opinion. I would also love to discuss this with someone. I am an extreme Star Wars fan.…



Dr. Sullivan,

I like Star Wars too! Although, I have to admit, during the showing of Force Awakens, I fell asleep in the theater. Not their best movie and definitely not my best moment.

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