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Yesterday we considered the escalating dollars filling the coffers of political campaigns and special interests. The current environment remains ripe for policy groups to wield significant influence. However, few groups have wielded power over the years quite like the National Rifle Association. The NRA remains a fundraising stalwart as well as a powerful Republican Party ally.

However, the organizations power is on the wane. Membership is plummeting while the budget is bleeding red ink. Yet these issues pale in comparison to legal actions by the state of New York amounting to an organizational death penalty. These actions stem allegedly from deep seeded corruption within the organization.




The NRA is an interesting organization to follow and see what they are fighting for. I am one for the 2nd amendment and hope that it will never be taken away from people. I believe everyone has the right to defend themselves and protect their loved ones. There have been incidents in the past few years where people have been saved by those who follow the rules and laws that come along with the 2nd amendment.

I only wish that the NRA would get more involved in teaching gun safety and that it should be a free class to take. People who don't support the 2nd amendment are those mostly who don'k know anything about guns and their accesories. I…



The NRA has been an interesting organization to watch over the past couple of years. Though gun owners have become increasingly more vocal and passionate about their 2nd amendment rights, many have seemed to become disillusioned with the NRA and have lost faith in it as an organization. This is why memberships are down, and support is diminishing. Especially with the rise of organizations such as the USCCA, which gives much better support and help for gun owners, it certainly apears the days of the NRA are numbered.

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