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Stimulus Wednesday??


After seemingly ignoring the plight of Americans in favor of partisan bickering, Congress seems close to passing the COVID-19 economic stimulus bill and sending to President Trump.

It has been a bumpy road. The Senate "lead" the effort with a GOP crafted bill that fell twice at the hands of Democrats due in part to Rand Paul testing positive for Coronavirus but not before exposing colleagues to the virus. Meanwhile, Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats drafted a more progressive bill perhaps as leverage. We will know more shortly.

The massive $2 (2.5-3?) trillion behemoth includes the following:

1. Expanding Unemployment

2. Small business loans

3. The much ballyhooed personal checks

4. Expanding health services including the now famous PPE's

5. Local government grants

6. Student loans?

7. Mortgage/Rent deferrals?

COVID coverage should focus on saving lives. However, the massive stimulus bill will dominate discussion this week. The markets already responded with the biggest increase since 1933. Accordingly, our coverage will focus on the stimulus plan today.

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Bo Xiang
May 03, 2020

American government tries to pay the bill for some daily cost for their citizens to help some people who lost their job during the Covid-19. I think it is really good, but It might be better to offer them a job. In China, we have a proverb: to teach them how to fishing instead of give them fish.


Apr 14, 2020

Only time will tell on these things. I think although the economy will be damaged, Americans will work to get things back to the way they were or perhaps even better than before. I think the Lord has not given us a spirit of fear, so I try not to worry about it too much.


Mar 30, 2020

I think because of all this, small businesses are hurting and this is causing families to hurt. The government is trying their best to keep people inside their homes in hope that this will slow down the process, and this means giving them peace of mind that their business will be okay after all of this and their families will be able to stay home stress free about what is to come.


Mar 30, 2020

I understand the purpose of the stimulus package that is trying to aid the economy and those being financially crippled by the effects of the COVID-19 Epidemic. It is a difficult time for a lot of students, small business owners, and low income families. I do not find a simple solution to this problem and i believe this bill will help many people. The bill should also focus on helping save people's lives.


Mar 30, 2020

The economy is such an interesting thing to be following right now. The stimulus package took a long time to get here. While Republicans were in favor of the bill and were wanting to move forward, many Democrats held the bill and continued to try to get what they wanted. I believe this shows the lack of empathy and compassion that government has for American citizens. While, I believe, the bill to be a great, much needed thing, it was disappointing waiting for the bill to actually be passed. Also, there is a lack of tests. My brother jokes that we're wasting all of our tests on movie stars and famous singers. Tests should be given to those who are…

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