The COVID-19 media coverage has obviously focused on how public officials have responded more so than the actual virus impact itself at times. And the Trump Administration is squarely in the press cross hairs. Vice President Mike Pence had his number called last week when he visited the vaunted Mayo Clinic in Minnesota to learn more about the clinic's Coronavirus research. Of course, the visit created a storm a Pence opted to carry out the tour sans mask thus ignoring suggestions from Mayo officials.
There is a lot going on here and it is all very political. While I am certain Pence learned quite a bit, the visit was more of an earned media opportunity designed to generate some positive coverage. No harm in that. And the mask refusal has electoral politics at its a root. And of course the opposition seized upon the chance to gain a few point with its base. Its all a bit unseemly but part of the current political climate.
Looking at this post 2 years after the outbreak of the pandemic I think the mask thing was something that if we as Americans had to follow we should expect our President and VP to follow as well. I am not the biggest fan of mask however it was something that was a comfort for people to feel safe as the pandemic was at it's highest peek.
The virus effects everyone, so why should not the government get involved. When the virus was effecting Asia over seas it was not a big deal until it came across to the US. We know everything President does is Political. When VP Pence went to the Mayo Clinic with out a mask we knew things would get out of hand since he didn’t have a mask on. Simply put on a mask.
Wearing a mask in public environments is to preserve ones health and the health of others. Hospitals and clinics are public environments in which people go to treat their health. The wearing of a mask in health facilities has a severe preeminence over other public environments. In other words, when in a health facility the measures of caution are increased. As a national leader Mike Pence should have set an example during a global pandemic. Not wearing a mask in public environments is to have no consideration for oneself and others. The article goes on to mention that Pence would begin meetings shaking hands when the World Health Organization explicitly stated to stop shaking hands. Pence made a poor choice…
Looking at this topic being more then 6 months into the pandemic, it's ridiculous to me that anger rises at the subject of mask-wearing. It's such a small inconvenience and it comforts the rest of America when we choose to wear our masks. As Christians I think this a way in which we can honor our neighbors over ourselves for the sake of their comfort and convenience. A mask should not be a political statement, but a health precaution and unfortunately it stands as a political statement.
The absolutely dreaded conversation about wearing a mask. As someone who personally has a chronic lung condition wearing a mask is common for me. Months before this pandemic started I was stocked up with my N 95 mask that I had to wear every day anytime I went outside. However, I have read multiple articles that talk about how wearing a mask can lower your immune system and cause more harm than good. Personally I have been advised by my doctor to wear a mask when I am out in public especially now with the pandemic going on. I believe that it is a case by case issue on wearing a mask some people do have serious breathing issues were…