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What's Your SIP Sitch??


My home county, Ellis County, officially began sheltering in residence this morning at midnight. Ellis County sits roughly 20 miles due south of Dallas County which is where I work. Dallas County Began its SIP policy 24 hours earlier. Both SIP periods began after the Couty Commissioners' Court approved the COVID-19 response. This is federalism at work as mentioned in previous posts as entire states such as New York and California are sheltering in place.

Are you under a SIP order? If so, which government gave the order? Tell us more about your situation. Some of you may not be under such an order. Would love to hear how that works. Let us know!

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I had been in a shelter in place order, and it was definitely challenging, but I'm glad that it was put into place.


Apr 14, 2020

The mayor has issued a shelter in place in Tulsa, OK. It has been amazing to see how the community has rallied together to get food to students who are on a government meal plan at school, and the positives in this are much more abundant than the news would like to report. Families are back together that wouldn't normally get that time. People are enjoying the Lord's creation more.


Ashley Majano
Apr 07, 2020

My county is Tarrant county, I live in Fort Worth. The "stay at home" order is in place and has recently been extended until April 30th. Originally, this was supposed to end on April 7th but things seem to get worse. I'm not sure who place the order. I am trying to stay home as much as possible. I try to keep in mind that if something happens to me it's possible for me to infect my family, and I don't want that. We currently only have my dad doing grocery runs. I'm not sure what stores or restaurants are open because I haven't been out for those reasons. I am involved with my church, so the only times I…


Apr 06, 2020

I live in Dallas County and have been under the Shelter In Place order for a while now and will be until April 30. Depending on the status of the country is whether or not it will be lifted after that. The order came from Judge Clay Jenkins who has been placed in charge of COVID-19 task force for Dallas. He was appointed by the Mayor because of the great work that he did leading out on the Ebola taskforce team when that was impacting Dallas. I have been at home going on four weeks and it has been a difficult adjustment but one that I know is necessary with the U.S. now having 300,000 cases nationwide. I am interested…


Apr 06, 2020

I live in the Hidalgo County which resides in the Rio Grande Valley, although we aren't a infectious state such as New York or Seattle, there have been quarantine precautions placed in measure do to the virus outbreak people can't go out at all unless for necessary things and no more than two people in cars or outside can be seen at once.Which is pretty crazy!

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