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Whither Federalism Part Deux

A quick federalism update as COVID-19 response moves at lightening speed. States with massive populations such as California and New York went full lock down with governors issuing shelter in place edicts to manage the expanding crisis.

Texas, the second most populous state, offers an interesting contrast. Governor Greg Abbott issued an executive order on Friday closing bars and restaurants other than curbside or takeout service. Conversely, Abbott followed that edict with a press conference Sunday afternoon where left it to the 254 counties to issue marching orders. Responses differed among urban counties. Dallas County quickly followed with a shelter in place order beginning midnight Monday while neighboring Tarrant County opted for a wait and see approach.

While Abbott's decision (or non-decision) is receiving criticism, it is critical to note that while Texas has a large growing population it also has the largest land mass among the contiguous states. The population density in large urban counties still pales in comparison to Los Angeles or New York City. And the state possesses several rural and frankly remote populations. Painting with one brush is hard in Texas which helps explain Abbott's approach.

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The shelter in place was definitely one of the strangest experiences I've ever had, but it was nice to see the nation coming together.


Apr 14, 2020

I am interested to see the what happens with the homelessness issues in all of the major cities. With people losing their jobs and not being able to afford rent or bills, it can't look great.


Mar 29, 2020

Its pretty crazy the shift of the movement this has caused within states and their policies regarding social distancing and overall how people cope with not seeing their loved ones in person

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