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Why Am I Doing This Blog??

What compels me to deliver my thoughts to you? A little bit about me:



My hope in making this site is to help readers make sense of the world when it makes no sense. I teach political science so we will talk politics and policy issues.

However, my goal is larger-to help you make sense of your life and God’s calling. Which career is God calling you to and why? Where will you live? Where will you worship? Who lives around you and who do you worship with? These are critical questions we will examine.

It's not all serious. My interests:

Old homes (and really old things)

Westerns (especially spaghetti)


These are all part of the fun

As is my family. My wife, Lea, is profoundly deaf so we talk about that. I have 2 boys who are both great for illustrations. Especially Cole, the youngest. He agreed to be an illustration for a modest fee.

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Apr 25, 2020

Thank you for writing this blog. I love government and I love to hear other people's opinions of what's going on in the world of government.

- E. Brannon


Apr 14, 2020

Thank you for writing this blog! I am looking forward to gaining more understanding about the world around me and especially how God is calling me.


Mar 31, 2020

I am very thankful that you made and created this blog. I am one of those people who understand nothing about government but this is really helping me understand the government system better. I hope your family is doing good during this time.

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